Friday, May 2, 2008

A Runner's Prayer

Every run is special. It does not matter if it is good or bad, fast or slow. Being out there in the darkness of the early morning I feel at peace and closer to God. After every run, I say this prayer in the hopes that I will be able to continue to run:

Dear God, thank you for these legs that have carried over the miles.
May you bless them and keep them strong and healthy and running for many years,
And may they always walk in the path you have laid out before them.

Thank you for this heart that pumps blood and energy throughout my body.
May you bless it and keep it strong and healthy and beating for many years.
And may it be filled with your spirit so that your light may shine on others through me.

And thank you for this mind that gives me the discipline to get up and out the door,
and the will to keep going when I feel like stopping.
Like Solomon I ask only for wisdom; the wisdom to know your will and the courage to follow where it leads.

All this I ask in the name of your son, my savior, Jesus Christ, who with you and the Holy Spirit are honored and glorified, forever and ever. Amen.

It seems like the least I can do,


Josh said...


Great blog. I really enjoy it. You are to be admired for your outdoor running rain, freeze or shine!

Question: I keep my training calendar on Buckeye Outdoors like you do. How do I add my info to the right hand column of my blogspot blog?( I can't seem to figure that out quite yet. Any wisdom would be great appreciated (

Thank you for the great blog and run long! You'll get that BQ soon.


Lesley Looper said...

Enjoyed reading your Flying Pig race report on the fdip group! Congrats on the PR and so-near-BQ--impressive!