Wednesday, March 26, 2008


On the drive into work this morning I was listening to The Final Sprint pod cast, when the host asked why the current group of elite runners included so many people with a strong faith. Andrew Carlson commented that he felt that since they had been blessed with the talent to run, they should develop that talent to the glory of God.

While that was a very honest and logical answer, I thought “shouldn’t that apply to all elite athletes in all sports?” Now I have done no statistical analysis on this, and maybe it is true in all other sports. But I have always thought that somehow running brings me – a decidedly non-elite athlete - closer to God and my spiritual self than many other activities.

I think it is the fact that running, once you have done it for a while, does not require the external focus that many other sports demand. For the most part there is no need to concentrate on striking a ball with a racket or bat, or even to pay much attention to other participants, particularly while training in the early morning hours. Often time running lends itself to an inward focus, a focus on breathing, footfalls and turnover. With me this naturally leads to introspection.

My running is a time for thinking, meditating and finally praying. My thoughts are almost always positive and lead me to discovering the right course of action when dealing with difficult situations. Maybe it is because it is the few times I am truly alone with my thoughts – and with God.

Looks like my running vest is not the only reflective thing I bring on the early morning runs.

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